
Based in Perth (Whadjuk)

  • 5' 6½"
  • 33"
  • 28"
  • 40½"
  • 7
  • 6-8 AU
  • S
  • B


I'm Zarah, a model based in Perth, Western Australia, with a deep connection to my Bengali heritage. Growing up, fashion played a significant role in my life, thanks to my mother's influence as a model in Bangladesh. While I always envisioned a career in fashion design or photography, the lack of representation held me back from considering modeling. But with the support of my family, I took a chance and pursued it anyway.

Now, I have the opportunity to honor my parents and embrace my cultural heritage through my work. Being the girl I wished to see in fashion magazines, I strive to inspire young girls who may have felt the same longing for representation as I did.